Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Translation of legal texts in 7 steps

In the world of translations legal texts are certainly a special chapter not only by the complexity of vocabulary and the sensitivity and impact of its content, but also because often require much preparation before you can begin the translation itself. This is why requiring translators public that guarantee a translation accurate and faithful to the original.
In a typical project that involves legal texts, whether certificates (birth, marriage, death, etc.), commercial, labor and other contracts it receives first the original text, which in the majority of cases papers are in poor condition, whether because they are old, are wrinkled, full of signatures and seals on the text with strike through parts, or just plain poor quality photocopies.
For optimal results, the best way is to follow these steps:
1) preparation of the file: the design team is responsible for scan the original document using text recognition programs and recreating any kind of structure as tables, forms, etc. But as we said these texts they tend to be very "contaminated" with signatures, stamps and handwritten texts, for which an extra step we need to "fix" what text recognition software could not capture well.
2) pre-editing: in this step the translator must compare the original texts with the converted digital texts and correct all the words that were not well recognized. For example, in the original says "lease" and says "acquirer contralto" in the converted file. In addition to correcting such errors, which makes the per-editing also replace images of stamps, signatures, logos, etc. by their description in brackets, for example [signature], [seal of the civil register of the city of XXX] or [XXX Logo]. In the same way are marked as [illegible] the texts that cannot be read, whether hand-written texts, very fuzzy seals, and things of that style.

(3) translation: Now, with the properly prepared text can work with a CAT-tool (translation tool) which facilitates the process by saving the translated in memory of translation or TM (for its acronym in English) in addition to providing access to glossaries and term bases.
(4) issue: It is essential that a second linguist review the initial translation and correct any errors either of meaning (the legal texts are full of "false friends") as also of grammar or spelling.
(5) final review (or proofreading): in this step a third linguist reads the translated text, because without comparing it with the original, to make final adjustments and make sure the text is impeccable.
6) DTP (or desktop publishing): the finished text is sent back to the design department where any format problem is arranged and prepared to deliver to the client.
7) certification: this is a legal document signed by a notary, which guarantees that the delivered text is a faithful translation of such language into such other language and that it was made by a team of prepared and experienced translators in the matter.
At Trusted Translations we work hard so that each translation project counts with each step that will ensure a professional, precise and quick result. We are at your disposal for any question or request for quote!

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